
How Can I Get a Tax Lien Released

How Can I Get a Tax Lien Released?

Don’t let anyone tell you differently; a tax lien will not be released until all of the tax listed on the lien is paid in full. Major Exception: It is in the IRS’ best interest and will facilitate payment of the debt.  If you owe on more than one period, there may be more than one tax lien filed. With the exception above, each period listed on a lien must be fully paid before the lien is released. Once the liability with all penalties and interest are fully paid, the liens will self release. In order to get the lien information removed from your Credit Report you will need to contact each credit reporting agency separately and provide a copy of the release.

If this sounds complicated it’s because it is.  If you meet the exception, I would suggest that you get the help of a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist.  Give us a call today.  These issue usually require critical timing.

Also See

Lien Release

Criminal Tax Defense

IRS and State Audit Representation

Innocent Spouse


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