
IRS Letter 3219 & Letter 531-T

If you do not receive a NO CHANGE Audit report, the IRS will issue a Notice of Deficiency (LTR 3219, Letter 3219, IRS Letter 3219, LTR 531, Letter 531, IRS Letter 531). You will have 90 days from the issuance of the letter to petition the Tax Court.  After that time  you will be assessed the tax indicated on the Audit Report.


You may also receive a Letter 3219 if the IRS files a “Substitute For Return”.  In this case it would be futile to petition Tax Court. Your best solution is to file the original returns, as the tax is often overstated.  It is critical that you develop an action plan before file multiple.  These returns are also filed to a completely different IRS Center.  Filing to the wrong center will only cause delays in resolving your case.


Although the 2nd page of the Notice of Deficiency invites you to respond to the IRS or the Taxpayer Advocate, they have no power or authority to reverse the Notice of Determination. Do not respond to the IRS with your Notice of Deficiency


If you do not receive a NO CHANGE Audit report, the IRS will issue a Notice of Deficiency

IRS Letter 3219 & Letter 531-T

If you do not receive a NO CHANGE Audit report, the IRS will issue a Notice of Deficiency (LTR 3219, Letter 3219, IRS Letter 3219, LTR 531, Letter 531, IRS Letter 531). You will have 90 days from the issuance of the letter to petition the Tax Court.  After that time  you will be assessed the tax indicated on the Audit Report.

You may also receive a Letter 3219 if the IRS files a “Substitute For Return”.  In this case it would be futile to petition Tax Court. Your best solution is to file the original returns, as the tax is often overstated.  It is critical that you develop an action plan before file multiple.  These returns are also filed to a completely different IRS Center.  Filing to the wrong center will only cause delays in resolving your case.

Although the 2nd page of the Notice of Deficiency invites you to respond to the IRS or the Taxpayer Advocate, they have no power or authority to reverse the Notice of Determination. Do not respond to the IRS with your Notice of Deficiency


A Notice of Deficiency is not a bill. If you have a good case, you have the opportunity to contest it! After you file your case in Tax Court, you will receive a Letter 4141 informing you of an Appeals conference. This conference is where the case likely will be resolved.

Only and attorney or the taxpayer may file in US Tax Court. It is advisable that you contact a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist or Tax Attorney.   You MUST prepare your case as if you were planning to go to court.   Typically this is not what you want and most cases are settled in the appeal process prior to or in the hallways of the court.  Failing to properly build your case tells IRS counsel that you not prepared and it will likely be a slam dunk.

This is not an area of the tax law that we would recommend that the taxpayer try on their own.  This came be a VERY expensive and potential devastating lesson.



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What is my first step?

If you received a letter or notice, a decision has to be made.  Do you feel confident to handle this situation on your own?  If it is a simple issue and you already know the answer, call or write them. If the issue is more complicated, you need to hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist. The IRS or State will take full advantage of your lack of knowledge and experience.

What is Your Next Step?

The next step is to determine if the notice was sent in error.  Do you have an outstanding tax liability?  Do you have unfiled or incomplete returns?

Is There a Time Limit?

Yes, each letter or notice from the IRS or State will indicate a date that you MUST to contact them by.  If you need more time, call the number on the notice or letter and request an extension.  DO NOT ALLOW the time to expire without contacting them or hiring a representative to contact them for you.

What You Don’t Want to Do!

What you don’t want to do is nothing.  Your tax problems will only get worse if you ignore them.  If you cannot pay, there are a number of potential solutions available to those who are otherwise in compliance.  In compliance means having all tax returns filed and any balances paid or on a payment plan.  If you have outstanding debts or unfiled returns, you need to get hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist.

Get Some Help

If you don’t know how to address the issue(s), have unfiled return/unpaid balances or just done feel confident, let the experts at Legacy Tax & Resolution Services represent you.  Work with our team of Certified Tax Resolution Specialists to resolve your issue(s) quickly.  Best of all, you don’t have to talk to the IRS or State; we can speak on your behalf.

Stop the stress and resolve your problems Call 800-829-7483 TODAY


Download our Special Report “5 Audit Myths- I Received An Audit Notice, What Do I Need To Know?”

In it you will find next steps, dos and don’t and information about your options









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Also See

Can I Go To Jail For Owing Taxes?

Why Shouldn’t  I Just Use my Own CPA or Attorney to Help Me With This Tax Problem?

What is an Offer in Compromise in a nutshell?

I have Let This Get Out of Control.  How Soon Could You Start Working On My Behalf?

How are you compensated?

Several Tax Resolution Companies have called Me! Why Should I Hire Legacy Tax % Resolution Services?

Do I Need Local Tax Representation?

How Do I Know If My Situation Qualifies to Have my Tax Bill Reduced?

How Long Does the IRS Have to Collect Back Taxes From Me?

I Have a Deadline With the IRS (or State) Right Around the Corner.  Is It Too Late for Legacy Tax & Resolution Services to Help?


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