
IRS Notice Letter 11 Collection

The IRS uses Letter 11 (LTR11 or IRS LTR 11)  as a FINAL Notice of Intent to Levy to inform you they intend to take your property and assets SOON.  This is the FINAL notice before the IRS takes ACTION.











IRS Notice Letter 11  Collection

The IRS uses Letter 11 (LTR11 or IRS LTR 11)  as a FINAL Notice of Intent to Levy to inform you they intend to take your property and assets SOON.  This is the FINAL notice before the IRS takes ACTION.

The IRS typically seizes wages and bank accounts first, because they are easy targets. They may also levy against life insurance, CDs, social security, 401(k) and other pension.  Using CP- 91 the IRS will  seize 15% of your social security income.

You have appeal right with this notice using the Collection Due Process Hearing.  You MUST request a collection Due Process Hearing WITH 30 DAYS.  This is not something that we would suggest on your own.  Appeals Officers are very experienced IRS agent.

Your response to the IRS will have to be a quick determination of the basis for the tax, gathering of financial records and probably entering an installment agreement to avoid levies until a method for dealing with this problem can be devised.

You must complete a Form 433A (if assigned to a Revenue Officer) or Form 433F (if assigned to Automated Collections Service) to disclose your income & assets to the IRS.  Understand, the IRS will not will limit resolution options if you haven’t filed all legally required returns.


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What is my first step?

If you received a letter or notice, a decision has to be made.  Do you feel confident to handle this situation on your own?  If it is a simple issue and you already know the answer, call or write them. If the issue is more complicated, you need to hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist. The IRS or State will take full advantage of your lack of knowledge and experience.

What is Your Next Step?

The next step is to determine if the notice was sent in error.  Do you have an outstanding tax liability?  Do you have unfiled or incomplete returns?

Is There a Time Limit?

Yes, each letter or notice from the IRS or State will indicate a date that you MUST to contact them by.  If you need more time, call the number on the notice or letter and request an extension.  DO NOT ALLOW the time to expire without contacting them or hiring a representative to contact them for you.

What You Don’t Want to Do!

What you don’t want to do is nothing.  Your tax problems will only get worse if you ignore them.  If you cannot pay, there are a number of potential solutions available to those who are otherwise in compliance.  In compliance means having all tax returns filed and any balances paid or on a payment plan.  If you have outstanding debts or unfiled returns, you need to get hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist.

Get Some Help

If you don’t know how to address the issue(s), have unfiled return/unpaid balances or just done feel confident, let the experts at Legacy Tax & Resolution Services represent you.  Work with our team of Certified Tax Resolution Specialists to resolve your issue(s) quickly.  Best of all, you don’t have to talk to the IRS or State; we can speak on your behalf.



Download our Special Report “ Final Notice Of Intent To Levy- What Happens Next?”

In it you will find next steps, dos and don’t and information about your options









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Also See

Can I Go To Jail For Owing Taxes?

Why Shouldn’t  I Just Use my Own CPA or Attorney to Help Me With This Tax Problem?

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How Long Does the IRS Have to Collect Back Taxes From Me?

I Have a Deadline With the IRS (or State) Right Around the Corner.  Is It Too Late for Legacy Tax & Resolution Services to Help?


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