
LegacyTax NR EForm Frequently Asked Question

LegacyTax NR EForm Frequently Asked Question


Which documents can LegacyTax NR EForms prepare?

LegacyTax NR Forms can help you prepare every form you need when starting a new job as a non-resident in the US. This includes forms W-4, 8233, W-8BEN, and more.

Form W-4

The purpose of the W-4 is to determine how much tax should be withheld from your paycheck. This form must be completed correctly. When you use LegacyTax NR EForms, our software will ensure your Form W-4 is correct, and the appropriate amount of tax is withheld based on your income level.

Form 8823

Form 8823 is used to claim a tax treaty-based exemption from tax withholding on personal services income.

Form W-8BEN

Form W-8BEN indicates your non-resident alien status and determines your eligibility for tax treaty benefits on Fixed, Determinable, Annual, Periodical (FDAP) income.

Why do I need pre-employment forms?

When you start a new job in the US, you will need to provide some important pre-employment documents to your employer.

These documents will ensure that the correct amount of tax is withheld from your paycheck. If these forms are not completed correctly, you could end up paying too much tax!

Can I Claim a tax treaty benefit?

The United States has signed tax treaty agreements with more than 65 countries worldwide. LegacyTax NR will determine if you are entitled to any tax treaty benefits that could potentially save a lot of money on your taxes.

When you create your LegacyTax NR account, you can easily determine whether or not you are entitled to any tax treaty benefits.

What are the benefits of using LegacyTax NR EForms

  • Your employment tax forms are generated for you
  • Quickly identify your tax treaty eligibility
  • Calculate your residency for tax purposes
  • Determine if you are exempt from FICA taxes
  • 24/7 Live Chat support to guide you all the way

Do non-residents pay FICA taxes in the US?

International students, scholars, teachers, professors, researchers, trainees, physicians, au pairs, summer camp workers, and other non-students on F-1, J-1, M-1, Q-1, or Q-2 visas are typically entitled to a FICA exemption.

LegacyTax NR Forms can help you determine whether you are exempt from FICA tax.

Can LegacyTax NR help me prepare my annual tax return?

Yes! You can easily prepare your US Federal and State tax return online with LegacyTax NR.


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